Thursday, October 27, 2011
Hilton Harrisburg
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Think you missed your chance to attend Lobbypalooza 2011?
No, you didn't!
Due to the flooding, PAGR had to postpone our event and we have rescheduled for Thursday, October 27 at the Hilton Harrisburg. We have an impressive line-up of presenters and promise an informative and interesting day! Please see the attached flyer for registration.
Lobbypalooza is PAGR's annual lobbying building symposium. It is designed to have something for everyone, from the seasoned professional to the new to lobbying lobbyist! Informative topics, impressive list of presenters, discounted rate to PAGR members.
Topics include:
- Legislative Agendas - offered by representatives of all 4 caucuses and the Governor's office.
- Legislative Redistricting
- Interactive Webcasting, Virtual Meetings, Webinars
- PAC's -Emerging Technologies and Techniques
- ABC's of Lobbying
- DEF's of Lobbying (Happy Hour)
Registration deadline is October 21 -- Click here for details (PDF).